Since when did a lack of musical talent ever stop anyone from trying their hand? Entire reality TV shows are built around that concept, not to mention a fair chunk of change invested in Auto-Tune equipment. Beatwave allows you create electronic music from the comfort of your home. Or car. Or work commute. The most effort you'll expend is mastering the app, which can be a little daunting at first. (Tip: don't skip the initial tutorial). Once you've got that in hand, it's just a matter of tap and test until you have the perfect track. Or at least almost perfect. You've got 10 instruments included on the app, and there are 200 more available from the Beatwave store. You can layer all those instruments until you end up with either a musical masterpiece or a mess. Beatwave itself has been around for a while, but the latest version of the app is completely redesigned, with a new user interface, the addition of some instruments and effects, and new controls that allow you to alter octaves and grid speed.
A lack of talent shouldn’t stop you from creating musical masterpieces, now should it?