The colour in the songs has only got better with age. A 15th anniversary remixed and remastered reissue for this epic is both a chance to relish anew the sweeping grandeur of the sound and also clock just how much this sound has travelled and inspired other musicians in the intervening years. An album of spellbinding story-telling and musical tornados, The Texas-Jerusalem Crossroads created a narrative which still thrills and enthralls today. The touch-up work, done in the same studio deep in the heart of Texas where the trio produced the original, accentuates Josh T Pearson's croon and amplifies the span of musical genres which Lift to Experience put into use to craft this work. Falling From Cloud 9, These Are the Days, With Cripped Wings and Just As Was Told maintain their elemental, evocative power as they draw you into a strange, often eerie and occasionally other-worldly dimension. Still a superlative experience.
Lift to Experience – The Texas-Jerusalem Crossroads album review: Still a superlative experience