The Amazons – The Amazons album review: compelling indie rock mix

The Amazons
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Artist: The Amazons
Genre: Rock
Label: Fiction

Occasionally, all you want is meat ’n’ two veg, and while Catfish and the Bottlemen may be one step too far into the diet, The Amazons mostly hit the spot.

The UK band used to dream that their EDM tunes would rule the world’s arenas, but a collective epiphany after a Foals gig put paid to such notions.

Hello indie rock, then, and hello also to streamlined, fist-bumping, chorus-shouting tunes that will undoubtedly be embraced by fans (and music supervisors) from Argentina to the Arctic Circle.

This isn't necessarily a heartfelt recommendation – Holy Roller sounds like The Kooks on a piss-poor day – but when you have indie rock material as urgent and smart as Raindrops, Black Magic and In My Mind rattling in front of you, it's difficult not to ask for more.

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea is a contributor to The Irish Times specialising in popular culture