Since 1999, Radio na Gaeltachta's An Taobh Tuathail has provided a safe house for curious ears seeking non-mainstream music. The show's regular compilations are always a good re-up on the leftfield fare championed by host Cian O'Ciobhain, and No 6 contains a fine slab of recent highlights from the show's playlists. There are prime examples of new-school electronic explorers in the shape of Laurel Halo (Thaw), Airhead (Callow) and Bibio (You Won't Remember), while Seti the First's Melting Calvary is a reminder to haul Kevin Murphy and Thomas Haugh's 2012 album of the same name out again for another spin. Meanwhile, Halls's excellent Winter Prayer (from his debut album, Ark) showcases Samuel Howard's exquisite touch when it comes to electro-acoustic stillness, and Shed's Phototype is full of René Pawlowitz's bewitching Berlin dancefloor-noir.
Download: Halls, Winter Prayer; Seti the First, Melting Calvary