How many music apps do you have on your phone which you never use? We might use Spotify and Shazam on a daily basis, but there’s likely to be another bunch of them just sitting there taking up space.
These apps could be for a festival you went to once, an artist you were into for a few weeks in 2013, or a me-too social-media yoke which got loads of media hype but was actually fairly useless. So here’s a few proposals for apps that we’d happily download.
Web developers, set your phasers to steal.

An app that tells you that the gig or festival you really want to go to, but can't be arsed buying a ticket for right now, is really about to sell out. It would also stop loads of people moaning about the fact that they now want to go to the sold-out Electric Picnic, despite the fact that tickets went on sale last September.
The Zane Lowe klaxon
Warns listeners to the new Beats 1 radio station when Zane Lowe is about to speak so you can turn the volume down. Or better still, does it for you automatically.
Taylor Swift Is Gonna Get Ya!
Now that she's successfully dealt with Apple on behalf of indie acts everywhere, an interactive game where Swifty kicks some other asses.
Ground control
Answering the really important questions about ground conditions at festival sites and the need to bring or not bring wellies.