Creative flowering can take many forms, and Gavin Whelan's latest collection trains a laser on his development as a piper. Whelan is widely known for his clean and crisp whistle playing, and his latest collection seeks out the quieter, darker corners of the tradition through its rich repertoire of slow airs. His tune choices are eclectic and inventive, drawing on the singing of Capercaille's Karen Matheson, the late Eithne Ní Uallachain and Neilí Ní Dhomhnaill, and the playing of Seamus Ennis, and includes an expansive interpretation of Limerick's Lamentation/Marbhna Luimní. At its heart, though, is a soft focus that strays dangerously close to easy listening, particularly on Robbie Burns's Ae Fond Kiss, where bland piano arrangement does little to complement Whelan's crystal clean whistle lines. Whelan's sharp musicianship deserves more incisive arrangements than are on offer here.
Gavin Whelan: Catch the Air