Picnic highs: Jungle - a different class

Feel the heat: Jungle. Photograph: Matt Crossick/PA

There’s always one awesome moment from a new band at the Picnic, and this gig was 2014’s. Jungle’s smooth and buoyant blend of disco and funk with a great contemporary delivery stole Sunday night from all other pretenders.

The tent was packed with people turning to their mates exclaiming about how the band was translating their debut album so effortlessly to a live setting. Busy Earning - one of the best tracks this year - nearly blew the roof off, but it was just one star in a galaxy of tunes that had everyone dancing from the get go.

These guys are pros - you can feel it in every perfectly judged rhythm, harmony, finger snap, and drum beat. A different class.

Three-word review: Feel the heat

Una Mullally

Una Mullally

Una Mullally, a contributor to The Irish Times, writes a weekly opinion column