Here we go round the mulberry bush one more time? Three-piece Glimmermen have been here before in various guises as members of Boxes (Gavin Cowley), Jackbeast (J Bassetti) and Holy Ghost Fathers (Phil Murray). Yet they seem to have been newly invigorated by framing their debut album with music that explicitly references UK punk/post-punk circa 1978-1980. If the title track sideblinds you with its Ruts-style ska, then the remainder of this brief album (a shade over 35 minutes) is slightly more welcoming. There are no frills here, which historically and sonically matches the music. The plus side of this is that if you're ever aching for a hit of Wire or The Members (and why ever not?), then you'll get it here. Minus points? Only for being that little bit too reverential to their sources.
Download: Angels & Devils, This Town, Last Song
Glimmermen: I’m Dead