Jesca Hoop - Memories Are Now album review: Alone again, most naturally

JESCA HOOPMemories Are Now ****Sub Pop

Memories Are Now
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Artist: Jesca Hoop
Genre: Alternative
Label: Sub Pop

Jesca Hoop has undoubtedly justified her versatility over the years, particularly when collaborating with other musicians, as she did on 2014's Undress and last year's duets album with Sam Beam.

As her latest proves, however, the Californian is at her most intoxicating when on her own. By layering her voice and taking a minimalist approach to instrumentation, she makes the sort of off-kilter, feral, intensely bewitching music that is impossible not to be drawn in by, as heard on The Lost Sky, the grizzly Cut Connection, the medieval folk of Songs of Old, and the tremulous, sensual electric shimmer of The Coming.

With this record, Hoop has yet again confirmed that she should be a lot more celebrated than many of her less original peers.

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy is a freelance journalist and broadcaster. She writes about music and the arts for The Irish Times