Anyone who figured they had the measure of the concertina would do well to visit this latest, original collection from Pádraig Rynne. A veteran of Guidewires and Triad, Rynne has never shied away from pointing his compass in unexpected directions, and Notify marks another intriguing signpost in his circuitous journey. Saddling up with American arranger, guitarist, keyboardist and percussionist Tyler Duncan (a member of The Olllam), Rynne forms Notify into a raffish, lateral-thinking delight. 1980s funk intersects with freewheeling improv to often startling effect, with the concertina proving its mettle as an able dealer in a world where groove is king. Drummer Mike Shimmin and bassist Joe Dart (also Olllam regulars) underscore Notify's confidence in this up-front and down-low world, where there is surprisingly generous space between the myriad arrangements.
Padraig Rynne: Notify Independent release