Swiss pianist Andreas Haefliger's Perspectives series for Avie does exactly what is says: it presents new perspectives by juxtaposing pieces you mightn't expect to find together. Here it's four of Luciano Berio's "encores" (Erdenklavier, Wasserklavier, Luftklavier and Feuerklavier) interspersed with sonatas by Beethoven (Op 14 No 2 in G and Op 109 in E) and Schumann (Fantasy in C). The sequencing certainly meets Haefliger's goal of bringing the atmosphere of a concert recital to the medium of CD. As you find with the menu of a well-planned meal, the whole is here more than the sum of its parts. The early and late Beethoven are utterly distinct, and the Schumann a great, overwhelming outpouring.
Perspectives 6