Phil Robson: The Cut Off Point | Album Review

The Cut Off Point
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Artist: Phil Robson
Genre: Jazz
Label: Whirlwind

London guitarist Phil Robson – best known for his Partisans group and his collaborations with Irish singer Christine Tobin – is one of those musicians who can look in both directions at once.

His first album in the organ trio format – with Hammond organist Ross Stanley and drummer Gene Calderazzo – is certainly rooted in that noble tradition, stretching back through John Abercrombie and John McLaughlin to Wes Montgomery.

But there is also a darker, more contemporary edge to this powerful new trio, and on a set of his own compositions (with one Dave Liebman cover), the guitarist – egged on by his two creative, ever-attentive companions – proves himself a fearless experimenter, capable of striking out into the unknown and finding new textures in a classic format.

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Cormac Larkin

Cormac Larkin

Cormac Larkin, a contributor to The Irish Times, is a musician, writer and director