If it weren't for the likes of pioneering acts such as The Slits and The Raincoats, and subsequent acts such as Bikini Kill and Sleater-Kinney, we'd all be enveloped by a tsunami of blokes throwing shapes and telling tales. Nothing intrinsically wrong with that, of course, but there has be balance, and so Seattle's Tacocat come to the rescue with a compact album of punk, punch, pop and strop that not only successfully foregrounds gender but pretty much neutralises it. Musically thrifty, highly efficient and lyrically substantive songs such as The Internet (anti-male trolling) and Men Explain Things To Me (anti-male arrogance) point the finger, wag it, and then walk on towards some form of hoped-for resolution. And what's this? Tacocat bash out the theme tune to this year's Cartoon Network reboot of Powerpuff Girls? One-Two-Three-Four!
Tacocat - Lost Time: an album of punk, pop and strop that neutralises gender