THE GOASTT (aka The Ghost of a Saber Tooth Tiger) is the newish musical unit of Sean Lennon, son of you-know-who, and his life partner Charlotte Kemp Muhl. Previous output veered towards acoustic intimacy, but on Midnight Sun they trade in simplistic folk for multi-layered psych-pop. The results are splendid. Notwithstanding the DNA that courses through Lennon's body, there's something else going on here: filtered through the many highlights (including the psychedelic stun-gun approach of opening track Too Deep and the closing spatial guitar hurrahs of closing tune Moth to a Flame) is a special kind of homage or tribute. It sounds much like Syd Barrett fronting Bends-era Radiohead – and at least one track could be a power-pop gem left off Abbey Road by mistake. Woo, hoo!
Download: Too Deep, Golden Earrings, Moth to a Flame
The Goastt: Midnight Sun