No matter how many CAO points a candidate secures in their Leaving Cert they cannot be offered a place unless they meet the minimum entry requirements for the course.
In the cases where a minimum grade in maths is required, a number of colleges are offering second-chance maths exams in the coming days to offer students a potential back door into their listed course choice.
Success in the exam clears the minimum entry requirement hurdle but does not change the maths grade the student secured in the Leaving Cert or add any additional CAO points to their existing score.
Places are offered in later CAO rounds.
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University of Limerick
Exam: August 31st. It is for applicants to faculty of science and engineering courses and the education courses (LM092, LM094, LM095, LM096 and LM097). Exams will be based on higher level syllabus. For enquiries, email:
University of Galway
Exam: September 2nd. It for applicants to an engineering degree course. It is an in-person exam that will take place in the Alice Perry Engineering building.
An optional weeklong online preparatory course starts on August 27th. All students who register for the exam will be offered a place on the preparatory course.
Online registration for the exam is open after Leaving Cert results are released.
Maynooth University
Exam: September 5th. It will take place in the MU Bio-Science & Engineering Lab for applicants to engineering (MH304), who did not achieve a H4 but have achieved minimum 350 points, two H5s or better and four 06/H7 including a pass in Irish, English and a science subject. All students registered for the exam will be automatically enrolled for an optional preparatory course taking place on September 4 at 11am.
TU Dublin
Exam: September 6th. It is at higher level standard for applicants to general entry engineering (TU805), with tutorials place on Monday, September 4th and Tuesday, September 5th. There is no charge. Registration, via an online form, before 5pm on September 1st. Places offered will be subject to an applicant’s course preferences on their CAO form.
Atlantic Technological University (Galway-Mayo)
Exam: September 4th at ATU Galway city campus for CAO applicants to ATU Galway-Mayo courses (with certain exceptions) who have not achieved the required grade for admission, but have achieved a minimum 07. Three-hour exam based on the ordinary level syllabus and a 40pc mark will meet requirements for eligible courses. Successful candidates will receive an offer in Round 2.
There is also an “Enabling Maths” course, with built-in assessment, from August 30th -September 8th, based on ordinary level syllabus for applicants who lack a pass at either ordinary or higher level.
Successful participants will be eligible for a place on any ATU programme for which there are “available places”, with some exceptions.
Once in college, students will be required to participate in ongoing maths support throughout the first year of their degree. Online applications up to August 29th.
Atlantic Technological University (Letterkenny)
“Enabling Maths” course, with assessment, from August 30th -September 8th based on ordinary level syllabus. Classes will be held on campus and online.
Successful students will be eligible for a place on any ATU programme for which there are “available places”.
Successful students will be required to participate in ongoing maths support throughout the first year of their degree.
Online applications up to August 29th.
Atlantic Technological University (Sligo)
Two exams, one at honours level and one at ordinary level, on September 4th in ATU Sligo for applicants who did not satisfy entry requirements for their chosen Sligo programmes. Exams are usually 2.5 hours long.
To register for either exam, applicants need to fill in a form online or contact for more information.
Munster Technological University
Exam, on a date to be confirmed, for CAO applicants to MTU.
There are two papers, one at ordinary level standard, and the second one is optional for those seeking a minimum grade at higher level.
A 40 per cent mark will allow an applicant to replace the maths requirement of O6/H7 minimum with an O6/H7 minimum in another subject. In other words, applicants must have passed six subjects in the Leaving Cert.
Applicants to courses which have a H4 requirement must sit a second paper and achieve a 70pc average across both papers.
More information and details will be published on the website.
SETU (South East Technological University)
Exam: August 31st. It is for CAO applicants who have not achieved the required grade in mathematics for entry to SETU. Paper is based on the ordinary level syllabus.
All nursing programmes (SE914, SE915 and SE916) are excluded from this process, as are the Carlow courses, SE407 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Accounting and SE713 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Civil Engineering.
Offers are subject to available places and are made in the next available round.
Exam will take place at both SETU Waterford and SETU Carlow campuses. Closing date for applications (online) is August 30th.
Dundalk IT
Exam: September 4th. It is for CAO applicants who did not achieve required grade for BEng (Hons) in Engineering (Common Entry); BEng (Hons) in Mechanical Engineering; BEng (Hons) in Electrical and Electronic Systems; BEng (Hons) in Civil Engineering; BSc (Hons) in Computing in Games Development.
Aimed at students who have either sat the higher-level maths paper or who have studied the higher-level syllabus to an advanced stage.
Pre-registration by 5pm, August 29, with mandatory preparation sessions from August 30-31. Fee €30, including preparation sessions. Results will be taken into account for second- and third-round offers.
National College of Ireland
Exam: September 7th. It is for applicants to BSc (Hons) in Data Science and Level 6 Higher Certificate in Data Science who did not attain a H5. Exam will be at a similar standard as the Leaving Cert higher level.
Applicants must meet the other essential requirements of the programmes such as a grade H5 and above in two higher level subjects together with a minimum of O6 in four other subjects to include English for BSc (Hons) in Data Science programme and a grade of O6/H7 or above in five subjects to include English for Higher Certificate in Data Science. Free tutorials from September 4th-6th. Registration is online.