Taoiseach Leo Varadkar has registered as a landlord in the latest Register of Interests for TDs.
In his entry to the register for 2022, Mr Varadkar describes himself as a lessor for an apartment at Rosehaven Apartments on the Carpenterstown Road in Castleknock, Dublin.
Under the heading “Other Information Provided”, Mr Varadkar has stated: “This is the only property that I own or part-own.” He also includes the property under the heading for land owned.
It is the first time that Mr Varadkar has included a property in the register.
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The flat was his dwelling for many years but during 2022 he and his partner, Matt Barrett, moved to a house in Portobello, Dublin 8, owned by Dr Barrett.
A spokesman said that the flat was let for the first time during 2020 and Mr Varadkar’s declaration was for that year.