Those sooty eyes and bushy eyebrows, not to speak of her mischievous sense of humour, outspoken opinions and 43 million Instagram followers, help keep top British model-turned-actor Cara Delevingne constantly in the news.
With one of the most recognisable faces in the world, she spent a day in Dublin practising an Irish accent for her latest incarnation as an Irish fairy called Vignette in the Amazon TV show Carnival Row. “My name is Gaelic and the way [the Irish] speak and their lyrical way of words makes it one of the most beautiful accents,” she said afterwards.
Despite having amassed a fortune as a top model, Delevingne is on record as saying that modelling isn't fulfilling. Here she stars in a holiday collection from LA brand Nasty Gal inspired by female rock icons and her own style as an international supermodel.
The brand has established a reputation for partnering with trailblazing women like Delevingne, who uses her platform to advocate for mental health, women’s rights and animal conservation. “I am always inspired by their approach to fashion – always rebellious and ever evolving,” she says. Just like her.
The collection includes more than 40 ready-to-wear separates with key pieces including beaded jackets, statement tees, sheer tops, oversized suiting, '80s power shoulders, vegan leather, sequins and fringes. Select styles range from sizes 4-22, with price points from €30-€270. Available from October 23rd on

What made you want to work with Nasty Gal?
I am so excited to join Nasty Gal as it is a new part of their journey – the brand has evolved and changed over the years and I'd say I relate to that the most. We all change, we all grow up.
Your favourite pieces in the collection?
The jeans with the cutouts right below the bum and the crop tops.
The collection was shot at Jimi Hendrix's Electric Lady Studios – how did it feel shooting at a place with so much musical history?
I loved it and was constantly tempted to play some of the instruments lying around.
You've spoken up a lot about mental health issues in the past. Why do you think it important?
It's one of my biggest passions to destigmatise mental health issues, especially with young people. It's incredibly important to keep the dialogue open so those struggling with issues don't feel alone.
Do you rewear items of clothing that you own?
I am a serious rewearer. When I'm obsessed with something, I'm obsessed.
Where do you get your confidence?
I am constantly working to find it. I don't know if I am as confident as the public might assume.
What's the best advice you've ever been given?
I think to stay true to myself.
How does fashion empower you?
It allows me to express my mood. It's empowering to select pieces of clothing that illustrate how you feel on the inside on any given day.
When in Ireland, what did you like most about Dublin?
My favourite thing to do was walk around the city and see where the day took me. I found myself having jolly conversations with the locals, which is another one of my favourite things about Ireland. The people.
What are you especially proud of achieving, from modelling to acting, and what have you learned along the way?
What I am most proud of is that if I in any way have been able to help young people accept themselves for who they are and learn that when it comes to emotion compassion, communication and patience are vital. That it gets better and that you can achieve anything you set your mind and heart to.
How has your personal style evolved over the years?
It hasn't changed much and what I look for hasn't changed, but with age and maturity I do appreciate style a bit more. I like to have fun expressing myself through fashion and mix high street with vintage and sportswear.