Delicious home-made corn tortillas with black beans and peppers

I love the sweet nutty flavour the corn gives compared to wheat flour tortillas

Delicious: Home-made corn tortillas with black beans and peppers

During lockdowns, many people learned to make food that they regularly would have bought ready made. From basic cupcakes or banana bread to mastering the art of sourdough, there was a really welcome surge in interest in all things made from scratch.

I found myself on a tortilla journey. We love corn tortillas but they’re not always readily available. I love the sweet nutty flavour the corn gives compared to wheat flour tortillas. Once I researched how to make them, it was only a matter of getting my hands on masa harina, the maize flour that  is the main ingredient. It’s available in store and online in Picado Mexican in Dublin, as well as Mr Bells Food Emporium in Cork.

I stocked up on regular masa harina as well as the blue maize flour to make dramatic dark-coloured tortillas. As well as tortillas, I’ve been making cornbread, tortilla chips and also find the masa harina fantastic for dusting the countertop when I’m shaping pizza dough.

These tortillas are incredibly easy to make and taste so delicious, incomparable to shop bought. All you need is masa harina, water and salt, a heavy pot or tortilla press to flatten the dough and a pan to cook them. Anything can be used as a topping but I’ve included my recipe for black bean mash, peppers and avocado crema here.


Recipe: Home-made corn tortillas with black beans and peppers