You know how there are some very smug people who say they never regret a thing? I’m not one of them. I have a habit of making rash decisions that come back to haunt me. The latest represents an end to an aspiration of mine, at least for a while ... my camper van.
You get what you pay for and my 1994 lady proved that point. I was hoping I had discovered a diamond in the mud, but in fact all I found was more mud. Of course I had it checked out before I bought it.
Before I committed, it got the blessing of a mechanic, who professed it had a fine engine. The interiors were perfect, but a little tired, so I spent a large wedge of cash on reupholstering and general pimping to make my adventures as plush as possible.

I stuck garish flowers all over the exterior. My teenage daughters even declared it too much, called me an attention seeker and jumped ship. But I was determined to channel my inner hippy.
If I couldn’t get to Electric Picnic, then at least I would get on a few excursions with the lads. The Flower Power express was ready to roll.
But rust was the problem, it crept in and stole my dream. My lovely camper needs the attention of someone who’s handy with such things and as I’m so useless I even have to get my wife to change a plug, I have to sell it and I’m very sad. If anyone fancies a camper, the stove is in pristine order. I would nearly come over and cook for you.

I need a bit of comfort and these dishes all have comfort in spades. I’m concentrating on fish as that’s my mood at the moment. The bubble and squeak is all about using leftover vegetables and it’s a moveable feast, depending on what you have. For the stew, I’m using salmon as it is easily available and goes perfectly with the leek and potatoes.
This satay is very satisfying when you want something different. Needless to say try to get the best prawns you can. Frozen is fine, just make sure they’re large and plump. All of these dishes are for two people.
Recipe: Smoked mackerel bubble and squeak, sweet mustard dressing
Recipe: A very simple seafood stew