Baked Parmesan and Gruyère savoury custard

Serves: 0
Course: Starter
Cooking Time: 1 hr 20 mins


  • Serves 8
  • 100ml milk
  • 350ml cream
  • 2 cloves garlic, peeled and cut in large pieces
  • Sprig of thyme
  • 100g grated Parmesan
  • 100g grated Gruyère
  • Pinch of salt
  • Pinch of white pepper
  • 4 eggs
  • 3 egg yolks
  • Serves 8
  • 100ml milk
  • 350ml cream
  • 2 cloves garlic, peeled and cut in large pieces
  • Sprig of thyme
  • 100g grated Parmesan
  • 100g grated Gruyère
  • Pinch of salt
  • Pinch of white pepper
  • 4 eggs
  • 3 egg yolks

This is a delicious and simple starter or lunch that combines the luxury of two great cheeses with the comfort of cream and eggs. It is not very difficult, particularly for those who make their own sweet custard. You are simply replacing the vanilla and sugar with garlic, thyme and grated cheese. Remember you need an hour or two gap between step one and two to allow the first stage of the sauce to chill.

Preheat the oven to 160 degrees C / gas 3, and very lightly butter eight ramekins.

In a heavy saucepan, warm the milk, cream, garlic and thyme over a gentle heat. As it warms up, add the grated cheeses slowly and keep stirring until they have melted. Season with salt and white pepper. Do not let the mixture boil but rather keep heating it gently. When finished, pass the sauce through a sieve to take out the thyme and garlic. Place in the fridge to cool.

In a large bowl whisk the eggs and egg yolks. Add the cooled cheese sauce slowly and keep whisking until combined. I always pass the custard through a sieve again to ensure there are no hidden lumps.

The custard is now ready to bake. Divide the mixture into the ramekins and place in a deep oven tray. Pour water into the tray around the ramekins – it should come 2–3cm up the sides. It is very important to cook the custards in water like this – it is called a bain-marie. Bake the custards for an hour, or until set.

When they are ready, either let them rest for a few minutes before unmoulding them from their ramekins or sprinkle them with cheese, brown them under a grill and serve in the ramekins. Serve with a green salad.