Gubbeen cheese & chorizo potato cake with wilted chard

Gubbeen cheese & chorizo potato cake with wilted chard
Serves: 2
Course: Main Course
Cooking Time: 0 hr 45 mins


  • Splash of olive oil, plus extra for frying
  • Knob of butter
  • 500g peeled potatoes
  • 100g smoked Gubbeencheese, grated
  • 100g Gubbeen chorizo, sliced
  • 2 big handfuls of chard
  • 4 free-range eggs
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper

Having a wonderful café so near us in Durrus is a blessing. Carmel Somers is a genuine menu genius. She has a huge knowledge of flavours and comes up with natural and delicious combinations, which makes a trip to The Good Things Café such a treat; it's an education each time we go. Carmel uses sea cabbage, which grows on the strand in front of her café, but we always use chard. Preheat the oven to 200C/gas mark 6. Heat a 20cm frying pan on a medium heat, then melt together a good splash of oil and a knob of butter, coating the bottom and the sides of the pan with the mixture.

Pour off any excess fat and keep in a bowl until later.

Lower the heat and start slicing the potatoes – they need to be very thin, but not so thin that you don’t get a complete slice.

Layer the potatoes in the pan in a clockwise direction, starting from the outside and working your way into the middle, making sure you are spreading them evenly leaving no gaps. Season with salt and pepper about every third layer.

When you have layered half the potato, top with the cheese and chorizo, then continue layering the potatoes. You want to finish with a nice thick cake, so there is a contrast of crisp and soft potato. Add another potato if you think it’s needed.

Brush the top with the reserved oil mixture, place in the middle of the oven and bake for 20-30 minutes until the potatoes are soft when tested with a knife.

If the top of the cake is not nice and brown, flip the cake out onto a plate or chopping board, slide back, topside down, into the pan and either return to the oven or cook on the hob on a medium heat for a few minutes.

Cook the chard in boiling water and drain well. Heat some olive oil in a frying pan and fry the eggs.

Turn out the cake onto a plate or chopping board, cut into wedges and serve with the chard and eggs.