Prawn and leek fricassee

Serves: 4
Course: Main Course
Cooking Time: 0 hr 20 mins


  • 60ml olive oil
  • 3 leeks, sliced
  • Salt and pepper
  • 2 cloves garlic, peeled and crushed
  • 2 fennel bulbs, sliced
  • 1 large glass of wine
  • Good pinch saffron
  • Good pinch chilli flakes
  • 2 tsp Dijon mustard
  • 100ml cream
  • Zest and juice of 1 lemon
  • 1 x 340g pack of frozen prawns
  • 1 punnet cherry tomatoes (approx 300g)
  • Bunch parsley, chopped

This serves four to six. You can use cooked or raw frozen prawns, just adjust the cooking time. Heat the olive oil in a decent- sized saucepan and sweat the leeks until wilted down and soft. Season well. Add the garlic and fennel. Then add the wine, saffron and chilli. Cover with a lid and cook for a few minutes until the vegetables are soft. Add the Dijon mustard, cream, lemon zest and juice, along with the prawns and tomatoes. Gently simmer this for about 10 minutes, until it has got rather watery and then starts to reduce and thicken up.

Taste and season. When you are happy with the flavour and consistency, spoon into bowls and serve with parsley and cooked rice or mash.

Domini Kemp

Domini Kemp

Domini Kemp, a contributor to The Irish Times, is a chef and food writer