Roast parsnip and carrots with fennel, honey and seeds

Serves: 8
Course: Side Dish
Cooking Time: 0 hr 35 mins


  • Serves 81kg carrots, peeled and cut into wedges
  • 1kg parsnips, peeled and cut into wedges
  • 4 tbsp olive oil
  • salt and pepper
  • 2 tbsp honey
  • 4 tsp fennel seeds
  • splash water
  • To serve: 2tbsp mixed seeds</li><li/></ul>

Preheat an oven to 200 degrees/gas 6.Toss the wedges of carrot and parsnip in the olive oil, season well and put in a roasting tin, ensuring there's plenty of space around them to allow the air to circulate as they roast. Cook for 15 minutes, then take out and add the honey and the fennel seeds plus a splash of water – to stop the whole thing burning. Return to the oven and cook for another 15-20 minutes, or until tender and starting to brown. To serve, toss with the seeds

Domini Kemp

Domini Kemp

Domini Kemp, a contributor to The Irish Times, is a chef and food writer