The home cooking has abated, with the restaurant taking precedence. Our two chicks have been left floundering having been pampered for all those months while we we were closed. I’m not feeling especially guilty as they are old enough to fend for themselves. Inexplicably, they get stellar results in Home Economics at school, despite being chronically saucepan shy at home.
They went vegetarian for a week in support of their visiting cousins from Switzerland, two of whom have gone to the other side. Hangry texts were sent our way. “There’s nothing in the fridge, this is ridiculous.” There was plenty there; I spend half my life in the shops.
To be fair, the same one has turned out to be a super worker, helping me at our hot dog stand, Diamond Dogs. She’s clued in and will work away without complaint. The money supports her clothes addiction, almost. A 15-year-old needs her style.
The cod recipe I am sharing this week is a one-pot dish. The fish nestles in the lightly spiced rice. It’s all about timing as a thin piece of cod will only take 10 minutes or so, a thicker piece a little longer.
I tend to go mad on particular ingredients for a while, using them over and over again until I need a break from them. I’m on a piment d’Espelette roll at the moment. It is a red pepper powder from the French Basque country. If you can’t get it, use smoked paprika. The saffron dressing is a bit posh. It’s inspired by the wonderful Simon Hopkinson, from my favourite cookbook, Roast Chicken and other Stories.

I’m a big cavolo nero fan. It’s more tender than curly kale which can be as tough as old boots. I served the salami on the side with this pasta, to keep all the vegetarians happy. The sourdough gives a lovely texture. I’m using some lovely Coolea cheese, but use Parmesan if you can’t get it.

This crab salad is all about the quality of the crab meat, but staying reasonably faithful to Mark Moriarty’s version, you’ll be making your own mayonnaise. This week’s recipes all serve two but can be scaled up.
Recipe: Baked cod, spiced pepper rice, saffron cream dressing
Recipe: Spaghetti with cavolo nero, tomatoes, Coolea and salami
Recipe: Crab salad