Why I love to . . . play golf

For Sean Ryan, at 20,000 steps to play 18 holes it is a good walk – not a spoiled one

Sean Ryan

"A good walk spoiled" as a description of golf is a quote often attributed to Mark Twain. Well, as a septuagenarian, I love to play golf precisely because it is a good walk – my activity bracelet tells me I take about 20,000 steps when playing 18 holes.

Of course, it would be a lot less if I hit the ball straighter! That, plus the other physical exercise involved in swinging clubs and bending, is extremely beneficial.

Golf is truly a game for all ages

Traditionally there was much emphasis on the clubhouse socialising aspect of the sport but I think that today the health benefits are taking precedence. Despite perceptions to the contrary, the Irish weather is no barrier to playing golf all year round and I can count on one hand the number of times the weather has been responsible for the cancellation of a game.

Playing as I do with a number of golf societies, I really look forward to travelling down the country to golf courses in places that I might otherwise never visit. Ireland is not short of golf courses in scenic locations, both inland and by the sea.


Golf is truly a game for all ages and I take great satisfaction in playing with my son and grandson. I feel that – apart from darts and snooker – it is the only game I might actually win on occasions.