Ideal opportunity to explore the heritage of five of Dublin’s finest squares

Free guided tours of private houses and public urban spaces on Saturday, June 20th

A walk in St Stephen’s Green will be led by the head gardener, starting from the Fusiliers’ Arch at the top of Grafton St at 10.30am. Photograph: Eric Luke

Dublin Garden Squares Day, organised by the Dublin Civic Trust this Saturday, June 20th is a fantastic opportunity to explore the natural and built heritage of five of Dublin's finest squares.

It’s a chance to cycle or walk between Parnell Square, Mountjoy Square, Merrion Square, Fitzwilliam Square and St Stephen’s Green to join free guided tours of private houses and public urban spaces.

A sample of what's on offer includes a walk in St Stephen's Green led by the head gardener (starting from the Fusiliers' Arch at the top of Grafton St at 10.30am); a tour of No 9 St Stephen's Green to see the grand staircase and spectacular stuccowork by Filippo Lafranchini (noon, and early arrival advised); an amble through the Iveagh Gardens, a Victorian winter garden designed in 1865 (from Clonmel Place at 1pm); a historic tour of Parnell Square (from the gates of the Garden of Remembrance at 11am); a tour of the Baroque chapel in the Rotunda Hospital (meet at the Ambassador Theatre, 2.30pm); an architectural walking tour of Mountjoy Square (starting from No 54 Mountjoy Square West, 10am); a wander through the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, 63 Merrion Square (open from 10am-1pm).

It’s also possible to take an architectural walking tour of Dublin’s last remaining private garden square tour (Pembroke St side of Fitzwilliam Square, noon) 01-4756911