Houses on this side of Belgrave Square in Rathmines come on the market so rarely that the owner of number 25 believes it is 25 years since one in her terrace of fine two-storey over garden level Victorians last had a for sale sign on the railings.
With good south-facing back gardens – and rear vehicular access – this side is probably the most appealing of the popular square. It is also quiet – cars have no reason to pass by unless it’s for access.
The owner bought here nearly 30 years ago and while it needed redecoration and some updating she did the sensible thing of living in it for a year before doing anything – always good advice to allow new owners time to see how the house works for them before changing it structurally.
Inside, it follows the expected layout of two fine interconnecting reception rooms off a wide bright hall – the front north-facing room is painted a dark green to make it more cosy, the south-facing back room is a very light, blueish grey. Original features including ceiling cornices, fireplaces and floorboards, have been restored.

Upstairs are three bedrooms – two to the front, one to the rear while there is a small shower room in the first-floor return. A second full bathroom – with Victorian style-fixtures – is in the hall-floor return.
Down at garden level – accessed from the front – there are two rooms to the front, one a utility, the other a home office. As these style houses tend to have more living accommodation than bedrooms, some owners use this as a fourth bedroom. To the back is an eat-in kitchen and walk-in pantry.
There is scope to do some work – with planning permission, the house is protected – and new owners will probably want to install a new kitchen and maybe extend the entire kitchen/dining area. The rear garden – attractively planted and not overlooked – is 30m/99ft long so there is plenty of space.
To the front is a railed garden but the real, much prized open space for these houses is the square to the front. A public park, in recent years it has been greatly improved by the county council with a sizeable playground, abundant flowerbeds and paved walks.
Parking is on-street. The owners of number 25 Belgrave Square are now downsizing and the house with 238sq m/2,561sq ft is for sale through Lisney seeking €1.65 million.