91 Ringsend Park, Ringsend, Dublin 4
Fully refurbished and extended terraced cottage with 62 sq m of living space,including a quality kitchen, mezzanine study and good sized bedroom.
Asking: €380,000
Sold: €420,000
Difference: 11%
Agent: Lisney

54 Pembroke Cottages, Donnybrook, Dublin 4
Located close to Herbert Park, terraced redbrick in need of complete refurbishment with approximately 41 sq m of living space and a small sunny yard
Asking: €415,000
Sold: €412,500
Difference: -1%
Agent: Eoin O'Neill Property Advisers

18 Carriglea Gardens, Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin
Two-bedroom semi in a cul de sac, with 57 sq m of renovated space and 23 m long back garden complete with bar and sauna inside.
Asking: €385,000
Sold: €426,000
Difference: 11%
Agent: Lisney

23 Marino Park, Marino, Dublin 3
Terraced three-bed house overlooking Marino Park, and with sizeable back garden. Approx 76 sq m of living space in need of a full refurbishment.
Asking: €385,000
Sold: €400,000
Difference: 4%
Agent: DNG

20 Botanic Road, Glasnevin, Dublin 9
Turnkey three-bed cottage that had been two separate houses, now with 78 sq m with a large attic that could be converted. Small sunny yard to the rear.
Asking: €385,000
Sold: €400,000
Difference: 4%
Agent: Sherry FitzGerald
Prices from the Residential Property Price Register, January 2019