Index: What’s hot and what’s not this week

Yes to Kevin Barry's novel getting longlisted for the Booker but no to the new ‘diet’ Dairy Milk

Kevin Barry’s novel Night Boat to Tangier has been longlisted for the Booker. Photograph: Roberto Ricciuti/Getty Images
Kevin Barry’s novel Night Boat to Tangier has been longlisted for the Booker. Photograph: Roberto Ricciuti/Getty Images

What’s hot

Gursha An Ethiopian supper club at Cloud Cafe in Dublin 3

Face mist Need to cool down? Get a can of La Roche-Posay Eau Thermale Thermal Spring Water

Vandal The new spots in Dublin's Liberties keep coming, including this cafe with a courtyard space

Filter This Sophie White's upcoming novel set in the world of influencers


Kilkenny Arts Festival Taking over the city from the 8th to the 18th

Bose Frames Bored of Bluetooth headphones? Welcome to the audio sunglasses era

Kevin Barry Night Boat to Tangier longlisted for the Booker

What’s not

Versatile The Irish rap act rightly being criticised for their lyrics

'Diet' Dairy Milk The sugar level has dropped, but the calorie count is similar

DUDE The Boris Johnson acronym nobody asked for

Collagen-infused snacks A trend rooted less in science and more in marketing

Victoria Beckham x Reebok €75 for a tanktop? No thanks

New Twitter design Feels scrappy and fragmented

Car-free College Green A great idea for the capital, but why the barrier-overload?