1. Smartphone Projector: €20.49
There is a whiff of the 1970s home movie about this present but we like it all the same. It will transform any wall in your home into a cinema (sort of) to allow your friends and family marvel at all the videos you have recorded and those selfies you have taken. It has an 8x magnification lens and a good solid silicone grip to hold your phone in place. Buy at iwantoneofthose.com
2 Scratch Map: €15.35
If the person you're buying for has never travelled further than Torremolinos, this present will fall flat. If they have travelled the world, however, this will appeal as it facilitates bragging without actually having to brag. The gold foil layer which covers the world scratches away like a Lotto ticket so you can pinpoint where you've been. Buy at iwantoneofthose.com
3 Accentuate: €25.29
Who doesn't love a board game – the more ridiculous the better. This is both ridiculous and hilarious. And very simple. All you need to do is read a quote in whatever accent is printed on the card you select after which your team-mates have 30 seconds to guess where you're from. Verbal clues and hand gestures are verboten so if you're doing an Aussie accent you can't say g'day mate while gesticulating wildly when taking Italian is not allowed. Buy at Firebox.com
4 Disco ball lamp: €20.99
Okay, this is not going to be for everyone and it may not get a whole lot of use on a daily basis but it may help you brighten up someone's life. Small and unobtrusive, it will turn your living room into a disco at the flick of a switch. Buy at Argos

5 Seedling Design Your Own Bird House: €17.95
This (main photo) is a nice alternative to lurid plastic toys commonly marketed at kids – and some older folk might like it too. This wooden bird house comes with acrylic paints, a paint brush and instructions on how to prettify it. We’re not sure how it would withstand an Irish winter but it you want to increase its longevity, we suggest you varnish it after you’re done painting it. Buy at Argos

6 Tea pendant: €27.99
This is a cute piece of jewellery for the tea lover in your life. The sterling silver teapot is plated with nine carat gold and hangs from a similarly plated chain. It is quirky and unusual and – crucially – looks more expensive than it actually is. Argos
7 Personalised Secret Message Ring: €30.55
Okay, so we know this ring is over-budget but we reckon it is such a unique and romantic idea that it is worth the extra 55 cent. We found it on Etsy in the Emilyjdesign shop. The sterling silver rings are simple but made special by the engraving of a message on either side of the ring – or both. You pick the font, the words, size and finish and Emily creates it. Buy at etsy.com/ie/shop/emilyjdesign
8 Foodskin Flexible Lunchbox: €25.29
Well, this is a crazy notion, a lunchbox like you have never seen before. It is virtually flat so is easy to store and is made with an elasticated silicone skin which keeps the shape of whatever is inside which the makers tell us will "preserve the pristine construction of your heavenly sandwiches". It also keeps your food zip-lock fresh so there is no need for foil or cling film. Buy at firebox.com
9 A Hairy Baby T-Shirt: €22
Prices vary depending on the type of T-shirt but there are few that cost more than this. These T-shirts are uniquely Irish and only Irish people will get the jokes, some of which are very funny. Buy at hairybaby.com
10 The Book of Everyone: €26.08
Books are a perennial favourite at Christmas but you won't have seen one like this before. It is a ridiculously cool and original present and if the recipient doesn't love it you should be very cross indeed. By answering a few questions on the site you create a book about anyone. It can be a sincere celebration of an individual filled with personalised facts "told through a satirically nostalgic glance back to the world they were born into". Everyone who gets a book also gets an ant named after them at The Book of Everyone ant farm. The hardback version is an additional €13. Buy at notonthehighstreet.com