Once bitten by Crocs, twice shy? It appears not

What’s hot, what’s not: A comeback by the unlovable footwear is offset by a welcome one from B*Witched

Crocs shock. Photograph: Dina Rudick/The Boston Globe via Getty Images


Box Burger
Eatyard in Dublin is expanding the excellent burger spot's audience.

The Rules Do Not Apply
Ariel Levy's new book.

Harry Styles
His new solo material is intriguing.

M&S at Heuston Station
Making those train trips a lot more appetising.


B*Witched at Bingo Loco in the Wright Venue on Sunday, April 16th.

A comic-book superhero series we can get behind.

Louise McSharry
Her frank beauty column on the Daily Edge is a great read.

Vertical gardens
Make the best use of a small outdoor area by planting up.


Co-opting activism
Brands such as Pepsi and Nivea manufacture cringe over substance.

Crocs renaissance 
A footwear trend difficult to get on board with.

Truffle everything
Keep it out of mac'n'cheese and off chips please.

Summer heels
Give yourself a break and go for slingbacks, slides, slip-ons and sandals.

False summer alarms
Hoping for scorching days, getting drizzle.

Staying at home
Trips abroad made by Irish residents in 2016 up nearly 8 per cent.

Catastrophe withdrawal
We're sad that season three is over.