God Knows: I have learned to give to ‘me’ as much as I give to those I love

Life Lessons: Musician God Knows performs solo and as part of Rusangano Family

God Zone: “Recently the moment my life changed was when I stopped obsessing over doing it ‘big and bombastic’ and started embracing the nearby, normal and now

God Knows is a musician and MC. Born in Zimbabwe and raised in Limerick, he performs as a solo artist and as one-third of the Choice Music Prize-winning Rusangano Family. On Friday, September 20th, God Knows (feat. Outsider YP) releases Clout9, a special single for Culture Night 2019.

What is the biggest challenge you have faced in your life?

Finding comfort, which is ironic because my name in the Shona language (a Bantu language of the Shona people of Zimbabwe) is Munyaradzi, which means “comforter”. The reason I look at comfort as a challenge is because, while it is a blessing, it can also sometimes lead to complacency. I have an incredible family and an inner circle that many would kill for. Having that much safety and reliability can make one a bit too comfortable. What do you do when you can’t rely on the familiar?

Is there a moment that changed your life?

This is a tough question because my life is constantly changing. Recently the moment my life changed was when I stopped obsessing over doing it “big and bombastic” and started embracing the nearby, normal and now – everything from family and relationships to work and life. I think creative people, in particular, are always chasing “it” and this has freed me to meet and experience life in a whole new way.

Who do you admire most?

My father. That man has overcome so much and continues to work on himself. He achieved a lot in life, not only in raising his own immediate family, but he managed to raise families, and made me the man I am today.


Who has been the biggest influence on your career?

This may sound cliché, but my Rusangano brothers and band mates, Murli Bo and MynameisjOhn. We have done so much together and they taught me a lot about life in general. It’s so much deeper than music.

Is there a practical thing you do to help your personal development?

I’m an older brother to many, and I often serve in that role until I’m running on empty. Lately I have learned to give to “me” as much as I give to those I love, whether that be time, space, knowledge, company or money. What I give to you, I give to me.

What is your biggest flaw?

I am sensitive, which helps me in so many ways as a creative person, but it can be a hindrance in other ways. I feel so much, so if I am not careful I can get affected by the slightest thing.

What is your worst habit?

Comparing. Not only my career, but in general. I got rid of all social media apps from my phone because it was getting ridiculous.

What are you most proud of in your life?

My relationships, with my God, my family and my friends, and recognising how lucky I am to have them.

What is the best advice you have ever received?

I’ve been on a diet of podcasts, sermons, and TedTalks lately, so I will share a few quotes I took down on the side of the road in my notes, as you do:

“Life begins at the edge of your comfort zone.” – Yubing Zhang

“God’s provision for me is nearby, normal and now.” – Stephen Furtick

And the worst?

I was 15 years old and I was grounded by my folks for coming home late and lying about where I had been. I was expressing my frustration to my fellow teenage buddy and he looked me straight in the eyes and said, “sure just run away, God Knows”. I didn’t take his advice, thank God.

What is your motto for life?

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, let’s go together.