Stephanie Hutchinson, from Balbriggan, Co Dublin, was travelling around Australia in May 2009 when she found a job in a pub in Kellerberrin. The first night she encountered Steve, a publican from the neighbouring town – he won a kiss from her during a pool-game.
Stephanie had initially planned to spend only four weeks in the town but soon after meeting Steve, he bought the pub she was working in and the couple ended up running it together for four years.
In September 2010, Steve proposed at midnight on Stephanie’s birthday in Perth.

“He had phoned my dad and asked his permission, which was sweet, although I still laugh that Dad gave him permission when the two hadn’t actually met in person yet. We went home that Christmas and Steve met everyone, which was fantastic.”
In a ceremony officiated by minister Mary Losty from the Spiritualist Association of Ireland, the couple – who have two daughters, Ella (3) and Layla (18 months) – married at the Bracken Court Hotel in Balbriggan on January 22nd.
When Steve presented Stephanie with her ring, he also gave their daughters a teddy-bear. During a sand ceremony, the girls poured their own sand into the glass too.
Among the 110 guests were the bride’s parents Dermot Geoghegan and Sharon Hutchinson and the groom’s, Graham and Jenny Gregory. Stephanie’s brother Colm – MC on the day – travelled from Vietnam with his wife Nguyen and their one-year old son Finn; her sister Christina came from Dubai and her youngest sister, Shauna, from the UK.
That evening, Irish dancers from Celtic Dance Fusion – organised by the bride’s Aunt Celene – did a set and music later on was by Trevor at Midland DJs. The maid of honour’s mother Janet made the cake.
The family of four lives in Merredin, Western Australia.