Leave the lessons in cutlery to the Pretty Woman film reruns and assume that our mothers have covered the basics – talking and eating, arriving on time, and so on.
Even if it’s a casual affair, make some semblance of an effort. We’re not asking for black-tie attire but if you’re getting your dinner handed to you, the least you can do is dress like you haven’t stumbled out of bed.
A popular topic of conversation these days is the election – but political discussions can turn awkward fast. Save your personal predilections for the ballot paper. And, no matter what the topic of conversation, the dinner table isn’t your personal soapbox. Don’t be a mé féiner.

You may be eating paleo this week and decide to go gluten-free next week, but tonight, keep it simple. It’s tough enough cooking for a group without someone requesting a vegan meal – just because.
Unless the food is inedible, try to finish it. It’s heartbreaking to watch someone pick through a meal you’ve slaved over – the wine top-ups will do the same (for your waistline anyway) as the dauphinoise.
And smokers, don’t nip outside just before the main course. If you can’t get through a meal without a toke, put on a patch. And don’t start your own party outside – congregating in the garden for an hour is antisocial.
Lastly and obviously, say thank you.
Rachel Murphy