Róisín Meets . . . radio presenter Seán Moncrieff

Broadcaster tells Róisín about his book on the nature of Irishness and our doublethink

Seán Moncrieff also explains why Ireland must be the worst country on Earth to conduct an extramarital affair

This week Roísín meets Newstalk radio presenter Seán Moncrieff, whose new book The Irish Paradox looks at the nature of Irishness. The paradox, he says, is that we can hold two contradictory views simultaneously and believe both of them.

Seán tells Roísín about his transplantation from England to Ireland at the age of 12 and how that might put him in the right place to examine the national psyche. He also explains why Ireland must be the worst country on Earth to conduct an extramarital affair.

The Irish Paradox: How and Why We are Such a Contradictory People is published by Gill and Macmillan.

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