Very late on Sunday evening a taxi dropped me home. I'd been telling him I really needed milk but everywhere seemed closed. He came back 10 minutes later with a carton of milk, that made me happy and grateful for his kindness – Patricia (via email)
Spending all weekend drafting my college assignment for submission and reaching the wordcount – Averil @averillarke
Sunshine pouring through the window. The eyes of the new baby calves. Chicken soup for the farmer's soul – Anne @galinwellies
I’m ridiculously excited to be heading home. I’ve been dying of a cold all week, annoying the life out of darling husband and now I’m on my way for mammy and daddy TLC (and proper chipper chips) – @little_moment_

The news that @CHICorg are playing Dublin, the most joyous band in the world! – Anne @annemccoy