Leaving Cert Good luck sixth years, life gets to be fun again when all this is over.
Freedom app Reclaim your brain and free time with this app that locks you away from the internet for eight hours.

The LOB (or long bob) Straight from Cannes – the cut that's smart and just long enough to pull up into a ponytail
Red bean mochi Delicious sticky sweet rice treats from Asian food markets.
'Songbook – exploring the craft of song writing in music' Series hosted by Cathy Davey at the Irish Writers' Centre, Dublin, Wednesday, June 11th at 7.30pm.
Celebrities reading mean tweets about themselves Laugh out loud.
Summer safari Desert-inspired dusty neutrals and animal prints make for a cool summer look.
Gym fatigue The relief when you finally cancel that used-only-once membership.
Last year's summer clothes How come they've shrunk all of a sudden?
Chocolate covered crisps They have been invented. World, just say no.
Phone excuses They just don't fly in 2014: "I swear I texted, weird you didn't get it". That's because you didn't send it.
Present ideas Tough when it's 30th birthdays, engagements and for men especially. Help.
The horror of a mistaken "reply all" click If the White House can do it, what chance do we have? Open-toes at work Especially with tights