How often should you wash your gym gear? The French government has the answer. Workout clothes should be worn three times before being washed, according to the country’s Agency for Ecological Transition.
Civil servants there have been busy working out optimal laundry routines, and not just for gym enthusiasts. Change your underpants every day, the French have been told, but wear the same T-shirt for up to five days and your jeans 30 times before washing them. Bras should be worn seven times before being washed, says the French agency.
By providing national guidelines, the hope is that citizens will quit the cycle of washing their clothes with unnecessary frequency. This will be better for the environment in lots of ways.
Some in France are up in arms about the edict. The agency’s prescription has prompted ridicule and fuelled demands to scrap the body.
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But in a world where many feel paralysed by the enormity of climate change, such specific and actionable direction is almost refreshing. That civil servants, often far too risk adverse to commit to an opinion, are prepared to tell you how to wash your smalls, indicates no small amount of conviction.
Not all clothes are dirty after being worn once, the agency says. Too frequent washing increases the electricity consumption of homes, increases water pollution and wears out our clothes more quickly.
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The modern obsession with laundry has us on a hamster wheel of consumption. Not only have brands conned us into paying €90 yoga leggings made from plastic, but detergent companies have persuaded us we need to spend more to wash them in a sludge of chemicals, softeners and ‘scent boosters’, and then dry them using things called “drying sheets” - all to make the clothes “fresh” again.
Kitchen-makers sell us the idea of ever-bigger laundry rooms too. Social media influencers fetishise the chore of laundry in order to sell us yet more unnecessary paraphernalia.
The French aren’t having it.
“We consume a lot of energy to wash, dry and iron our clothes,” says the French agency.
Washing clothing releases microfibres, which end up in sludge from sewage treatment plants or in the oceans. Synthetic textiles such as nylon, polyester, acrylic or elastane are one of the biggest sources of emission of microplastics into the environment. The list also includes vehicle tyres and dust from artificial grass and chemical paints. Yikes.
When they contain perfumes and poorly biodegradable substances such as surfactants, laundry detergents are polluting. The unnamed chemicals used to scent detergents and softeners can be harmful to humans too.
Then there’s the financial cost to your household of the energy used in laundry.
In Ireland, a standard 40-degree wash will cost about 35 cent per wash, says It’s not a huge amount of money but if you live in a large family and need to put on a wash almost every day you’re looking at forking out around €22 on every bill for the electricity. A tumble dryer will cost you €1.10 an hour, says Bord Gáis Energy.
Wait until you have enough laundry to start a wash cycle. Avoid half loads too - while they will consume less water, they use just as much electricity, says the French agency.
So, wash your clothes less and they will last longer, the very detrimental effects of modern laundry practices will be reduced and you’ll save money too.
This might just be some of the most usable advice provided by a government agency.
Next time you run, maybe don’t consign your kit to the laundry basket. You could let it rest for at least two more runs before wasting your time, money and health on unnecessary washing.