My Running Life: Q&A Elaine Geraghty

When did you start running and why?
In January this year. I wanted to get fit, lose a few kilos but also finally to conquer a fear of running – never thought it was for me. I spotted Run With Tina on Twitter and loved the holistic approach, especially for total beginners.

What is your biggest achievement?
Committing to and attending every running session for eight weeks in the depths of winter and actually being able to run for 30 minutes without stopping. Also, completing the women's mini- marathon this year.

Where is your regular run route?
A group of us meet regularly and do the 5k circuit in Malahide Castle or, if I'm on my own, I'll run along the coast road from home in Malahide to Portmarnock.

What would you change about running?
While marketing of running has definitely improved, especially with online businesses like 'Run With Tina', more could certainly be done to attract beginners and communicating that running is for everyone.


What's your regular training schedule?
On a good week, our group meets on Monday and Wednesday evenings and try to complete a 5k route. I'll run myself once over a weekend.

What are you training for?
I would love to be able to complete a number of 5ks this year and feel comfortable at the end.I also want to use the opportunity to raise funds/awareness for my organisation's service which helps young people get through tough times. Two of my colleagues are great runners, so I'm taking inspiration from them.

What do you wear on your feet?
I recently bought a pair of Brooks Ravenna 4 trainers.

Do you suffer from any niggly injuries?
My knees are mostly affected, but we have received great training advice regarding stretching pre- and post-running and this helps a lot.

What's on your iPod when running?
I've put together a playlist with everything from Daft Punk to Andy Williams – all uplifting music with more or less the same tempo, so that I don't let the music dictate the pace too much.

What was your most embarrassing running moment?
Having my photograph taken while running in front of a busload of tourists at Malahide Castle – mortified.

What is your favourite running book?
I have never read one.

Have you ever been chased by an animal?
Not yet.

Have you a favourite running tip?
When we finished the eight-week course with Tina, she advised that if we stopped enjoying running, we'd give up, so we shouldn't set the goals so high that they are unachievable.

So, I still mix a little walking and running when it gets too tough and six months after starting, I’m still committed and enjoying it.

Also, running with a group of like-minded people really helps motivation.