More than two-thirds of soldiers stationed in Sarsfield Barracks, Limerick, have lodged compensation claims for alleged hearing or other injuries relating to Army service, it emerged yesterday.
The Minister for Defence, Mr Smith, speaking on the Pat Kenny Show on RTE Radio, revealed that 72 per cent of soldiers stationed in an unidentified barracks had lodged claims. It emerged subsequently that the barracks was Sarsfield, home of the 12th Infantry Battalion and headquarters of the Southern Command of the FCA. There are around 400 soldiers serving in the barracks.
One firm of solicitors in Limerick has lodged over 1,100 claims for compensation on behalf of serving and retired soldiers.
The garrison with the next highest level of compensation claims is Stephens Barracks, Kilkenny, where 56 per cent of soldiers have lodged claims.
Fifty-four per cent of soldiers in Finner Camp, Donegal, have lodged claims, together with 50 per cent in Ceannt Barracks, the Curragh. Some 50 per cent of soldiers in Aiken Barracks, Dundalk, have claimed.
The lowest levels are at the Naval Base, Haulbowline, Co Cork, where only 10 per cent of sailors have claims. Also only 10 per cent of the Air Corps have lodged claims.