THE sometimes ignored artform of animation is the focus of the Cartoon Festival, which opens next Wednesday in Galway. The eighth European festival of animation, the most important event in the animation calendar, takes place in a different country each year. It is a trade fair of sorts, allowing European animation producers and buyers (TV companies, etc) to get together and set up an alternative animation network to the big American players.
Irish animation companies lobbied for the festival to come to Ireland, and at this year's event Irish companies are the main producers in four films and partners in another nine. Over 500 participants and 60 journalists will be in Galway for the festival, and there will be a public screening on Friday night of the five shortlisted films - the winners of European animation festivals - which are competing for the Cartoon D'Or award on the following night. Booking for Friday's screening at the Town Hall Theatre: (091) 569777.