BRITAIN: This is the letter, slightly edited, sent by Iqbal Sacranie, secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain, to all mosques in the UK urging Muslims to co-operate with police and avoid preaching extremism.
The last few weeks and days have been fraught with tragedies and dangers.
I am sure you are fully aware of the serious concerns expressed by the prime minister and the police authorities about the high probability of an imminent terrorist outrage in the UK.
I have no doubt that as a leader in the community you are already discharging your Islamic duty in helping to preserve the peace of the nation as well as protecting the community against falling into any trap or provocation.
Following the criminal terrorist attack on the Madrid trains, and despite our immediate, public and unequivocal condemnation of those atrocities, some, however, continue to associate Islam with terrorism by using such misleading terms as 'Islamic terrorist'. The words of the Qur'an are clear:
'He who killed any person, unless it be a person guilty of manslaughter, or of spreading chaos in the land, should be looked upon as though he had slain all mankind, and he who saved one life should be regarded as though he had saved the lives of all mankind.'(5:32) We therefore urge you to take the following actions:
To provide the correct Islamic guidance to the community, especially to our youth as to our obligation to maintain the peace and security of our country;
To observe the utmost vigilance against any mischievous or criminal elements from infiltrating the community and provoking any unlawful activity;
To liaise with the local police and give them the fullest co-operation in dealing with any criminal activity including terrorist threat;
To proactively engage with the media in order to refute any misconception about Islam and the Muslim community;
... To develop active contacts with other faith communities and civic organisations in order to help maintain social peace and good community relations;
... In the event of any tragic incident taking place, give the fullest co-operation to the police and other concerned authorities.
Lastly, but most importantly, seek Allah's help and support and pray for His guidance and protection all the time.
We also urge you to convey the above message in your Friday sermon and bring awareness to our community of our duties and obligations in combating any threat to peace and stability...By doing so, insha'Allah it will help to dispel the misrepresentation.
There is no need however to be daunted or intimidated by any Islamophobic propaganda and we should continue with our daily lives - normally and in accordance with the tenets of Islam.
All of us as Muslims will have been appalled to see some of the headlines in today's newspapers (for example 'Islamic Bomb Plot Foiled' - Daily Telegraph; 'The Truck Bombers of Suburbia', The Times).
This kind of sensationalised reporting has done immense damage to British Muslims as well as to community relations and we assure you that the \ Media Committee will be taking this matter up urgently with the editors concerned...
May Allah protect and guide us.