Bin Laden tape calls for boycott

MIDDLE EAST: An audio tape purportedly from al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden urged Iraqis yesterday to boycott January's elections…

MIDDLE EAST: An audio tape purportedly from al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden urged Iraqis yesterday to boycott January's elections, saying anyone who takes part would be an "infidel".

The speaker on the tape, aired by Arabic television channel Al Jazeera yesterday, also praised bloody attacks by al-Qaeda ally Abu Musab al-Zarqawi on US troops and government officials in Iraq, hailing the Jordanian militant as a true "soldier of God" and al-Qaeda's leader in Iraq.

"This [ Iraqi] constitution is blasphemous . . . and anyone who takes part in this election consciously and willingly is an infidel," said the speaker, whose voice sounded similar to previous bin Laden recordings.

"You have to be careful of those charlatans who, under the guise of Islamic parties, urge the people to take part in the election," he added.


Iraq is due to hold parliamentary elections on January 30th which Shia Muslim groups are poised to win.

US and Iraqi officials have warned of an increase in violence in the run-up to the election, which will see the creation of a 275-seat national assembly and a new government. Zarqawi's Sunni Muslim militant group, al-Qaeda Organisation for Holy War in Iraq, has claimed responsibility for some of the worst suicide bombings and kidnappings of foreigners in Iraq.

Washington has long maintained that Zarqawi, its number one enemy in Iraq, has links to bin Laden.

In October, Zarqawi pledged allegiance to al-Qaeda in an Internet statement and yesterday, the speaker on the tape acknowledged him as the network's leader in Iraq. - (Reuters)