British retail-sales growth best for eight months

British retail sales growth was the highest for eight months in December, according to figures released today.

British retail sales growth was the highest for eight months in December, according to figures released today.

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) says sales volumes on the high street were up 1.1 per cent on November - far above the most optimistic expectations in the City.

Some analysts were predicting a sharp fall, given evidence elsewhere that shoppers were far more cautious with their cash over the festive period.

The sales growth is the highest recorded since a 1.7 per cent jump in April, but speculation about future spending patterns is certain to continue.


The ONS includes the week until January 4th in the December figures, so taking in the key New Year sales period.

Experts believe busy shopping after Christmas, as consumers searched for bargains, may have pushed up the performance.

But the ONS concedes that although volumes in December were up 2.7 per cent on a year ago, the value of sales was £29.17 billion sterling, up just 1.2 per cent.