Chief of food authority to step down

THE CHIEF executive of the Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI), Dr John O’Brien, is to step down from the post this summer…

THE CHIEF executive of the Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI), Dr John O’Brien, is to step down from the post this summer after completing a single five-year term.

The authority has been embroiled in controversy in recent months over two separate food recalls in relation to dioxin-containing pork and contaminated bottled water.

Reports in yesterday's Irish Timeshighlighted Dr O'Brien's role in delaying publication of the bottled water report. He had argued that the report, which showed significant levels of contamination of bottled water with E.coli and coliforms, needed scientific revision and external peer review.

According to information provided by an FSAI spokeswoman yesterday, Dr O’Brien’s decision not to seek a second term pre-dated the pork recall and the publication of a controversial report on bottled waters, both in December 2008. Dr O’Brien took a back-seat role during the dioxin controversy, leaving the role of spokesman to his deputy, Alan Reilly.


Neither Dr O'Brien nor the chairman of the FSAI board, Éamonn Ryan, were available to talk to The Irish Timesyesterday.

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen is a former heath editor of The Irish Times.