ME MY MONEY:Brioni Gallagher, singer
Are you a saver or a spender?Being a self-employed artist means that my income can fluctuate, so there are times when I have to be careful about how much I spend. I'm not frivolous with money, but I don't mind spending a lot on something of good quality that I know I will have for a long time.
Do you shop around for better value? I never used to, but now I've learned that in spite of what seems to be an inconvenience, shopping around does mean better value.
What has been your most extravagant purchase ever? A vintage brown leather jacket, which at the time cost around €350. I bought it when I was 19 and I still wear it, so I think it was a wise investment.
What purchase have you made that you consider the best value for money?Probably recording my first EP. Most purchases are used up or grown out of, but a recording is a fixed entity documenting where you are as a musician at that time.
Have you ever crossed the Border to shop? Living so near the Border makes it tempting, especially at Christmas. I have shopped there and to be honest it did work out as better value. But it's not something I make a habit of.
Do you haggle over prices? Apart from a market in Beijing, where it's expected, I've never haggled. Not because I have a problem with it but rather I lack confidence in attempting it. In Ireland, it seems like haggling is an older tradition or isolated to certain professions. But the younger generations just take prices at face value. I suppose if you don't ask, you don't get.
Has the recession changed your spending habits? Definitely. Before the recession I rarely made out a weekly budget, but now I have to be more aware of my outgoings. And, of course, I shop around now before spending.
Cash or card? Cash, especially when I'm touring abroad to avoid extortionate ATM charges. When I have cash, I only buy what I can with that money, instead of buying a stupid amount of things I don't really need with my Laser card. As for my credit card, I try my hardest to stay away from it.
What was the last thing you bought and was it good value for money? My lunch. A chicken sandwich and bottle of water, which came to €6.25. I enjoyed it, so yes, I think it was good value for money.
Have you ever successfully saved up for a relatively big purchase?I've saved up for presents in the past, the most expensive being an antique pocket watch. When I put my mind to it, and I have something in particular that I want, I can save quite successfully.
Have you ever lost money? Yes, but not through gambling. Just by pure clumsiness or forgetfulness.
Is money important to you?Yes, but only in so far that I can afford the essentials and treat myself or others sometimes. It's not my goal to have copious amounts of money and spending it just because I can. It's more valuable to me to be successful than wealthy. But if money comes with that success then I won't complain.
How much money do you have on you now?A €20 note and a ridiculous amount of change. In conversation with Tony Clayton-Lea