Pricewatch product reviews: Garlic bread

Who’s got the greatest garlic bread?



€2 for 240g, €8.33 per kg

We are told on the packaging that these toasties were “hand-buttered”, although we’re not sure that makes any difference. We like the notion of toasties and approach them in good spirits. We then look at the ingredients and are alarmed to read that this product is made with 65 per cent bread and 35 per cent garlic spread. There is no mention of butter in the mix. Now, butter is not essential for good garlic bread – as our DIY option proves – but we are not impressed by the spread, which is made with water, rapeseed oil, garlic powder, parsley, salt and a few other hard-to-spell ingredients. They are a little greasy and we get only the merest hint of garlic.

Verdict: Not for us.


Star rating: **


€1.69 for 175g, €9.65 per kg

We also have high hopes for this product, carrying as it does a name that resonates with Irish butter lovers everywhere. It is made with 80 per cent bread and 20 per cent garlic filling. Further, 76 per cent of that filling is butter, and if there is one thing Kerrygold does well, it is butter. There is also onion and a bit of garlic. All is going well – until we actually taste it. There is not enough butter on the bread and it lacks the garlic kick we crave. It is also the dearest of the four options.

Verdict: Disappointing.

Star rating: **


€0.99 for 430g, €2.30 per kg

When it comes to value for money, this is hard to top. It is nearly a quarter of the price of the high-end option and, to our minds at least, tastes better. There is more butter in the mix than in the Kerrygold option and the hit of garlic is nice and strong. The bread is fairly ordinary, but that is hardly a surprise when you look at the price. It is not wonderful, but it tastes okay and comes at a great price.

Verdict: Good, and good value.

Star rating: ****


€1.19 for 540g, €2.20 per kg

You can buy four Johnston, Mooney & O’Brien Brown Multi-seed Thins for €1.09 (thins cost even less in Aldi) and two cloves of garlic will cost you no more than 10 cent. Whack the thins in the toaster and cut the cloves of garlic in half. When the toast pops, rub each of the thins vigorously with the garlic. Add a tiny drizzle of olive oil and maybe a pinch of salt and you have garlic bread. If you rub vigorously enough, the end result will be more garlicky than any of the shop-bought rivals. It is also much better for you and much cheaper. What’s not to love about that?

Verdict: Impossible to get wrong or to beat.

Star rating: *****