Former soap opera actor admits not registering as sex offender

Garrett Phillips is serving a six-year prison term for rape

Garrett Phillips from St Mary’s Terrace, Taylor’s Hill, Galway, pictured at the Central Criminal Court during his trial. File photograph: Collins

A convicted rapist failed to register as a sex offender with the Garda while out on bail for over two months awaiting sentence.

Garrett Phillips (47), is serving a six-year prison sentence imposed on him on July 9th last, for the oral rape of a student in Galway city in November 2015.

The former actor with Irish-language soap opera Ros na Rún, had denied the rape charge but a jury found him guilty following a four-day trial at the Central Criminal Court in April. He was released on bail following the verdict to await sentence in July and in the intervening period failed to present himself to gardaí to be placed on the Sex Offender's Register.

Phillips was brought in custody before the holiday sittings of Galway District Court this week to face the new charge.


Sergeant Finbarr Philpott, prosecuting, said the DPP had directed the charge be dealt with at District Court level. Garda John Horkan gave evidence of charging Phillips with the offence. He said Phillips had replied: "I didn't know", when the charge was put to him.

Judge Fiona Lydon noted the guilty plea before adjourning the matter to September 10th for sentence.