Youths who robbed pizza deliveryman only got dough

16-year-old boy alleged to have used his own phone and address to place food order

A fast-food deliveryman was robbed at knife-point by six youths when he went to drop off a pizza at a house, Dublin Children’s Court has heard.

One 16-year-old boy suspected of being involved is before the court after it was alleged he used his own phone and address to place the food order.

He is also facing a charge for attacking a homeless person during a separate alleged incident.

The boy has been charged with robbery at a location in north Dublin on a date last October. Garda Sarah Prendergast told Judge John O’Connor it was alleged that when the deliveryman arrived at the teen’s house he was brought away from his car “by knife-point by six youths”.


No money was stolen, but a pizza was taken, the court heard.

The boy, who has not yet entered a plea, is also charged with assault causing harm to the man at Parnell Street on the afternoon of March 19 last year.

Garda Thomas Power had told the court it would be alleged the boy used a bottle to "strike the male on the top of the head".

He said the man had a transient life and had been staying in hostels.

A medical report on his injuries has to be obtained.

During a pre-trial hearing the teenager said it was claimed he “smashed the bottle off a fellah’s head”.

A decision has also to be made on whether the cases will be kept in the juvenile court or instead sent to the circuit court which has tougher sentencing powers.

The boy, who was accompanied to court by his mother and his lawyer, was remanded on continuing bail to appear again later this month when the judge will make a ruling on the trial venue.