Gardaí renew appeal for return of radioactive rods

Material is ‘highly dangerous and should not be touched’

Gardai have renewed an appeal for the return of  radioactive material that was taken during the course of the burglary in Dublin 10 days ago.
Gardai have renewed an appeal for the return of radioactive material that was taken during the course of the burglary in Dublin 10 days ago.

Gardaí have renewed their warning to the public over radioactive material stolen 10 days ago in Dublin.

The seven rods are contained in a red box which carries warnings about how dangerous they are.

They were stolen from a premises on Balheary Road, Swords, on the weekend of 27th-29th September and gardaí are concerned about members of the public coming into contact with them.

“These are highly dangerous and should not be touched or approached,” a Garda statement said this morning.


The public is being urged not to approach or touch these rods if found and to contact Gardaí at Swords (01-6664700), any Garda station or the Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland (01- 2066913, 01-269 7766, out of office hours - 0879163364)

The radiological institute has warned that exposure to the box for several hours would transmit more radiation than is regarded safe for a year.

Handling the rods would leave radium that could cause serious illness. Radium can cause cancer.

The rods look like aluminium or stainless steel and have no scrap value.

They date back to the 1950s and were once fitted to church spires to prevent damage during lightning strikes.